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Cenforce 120mg

About Cenforce 120mg:

Cenforce 120 mg is prescribed to deal with sexual weakness like erectile dysfunction & impotence in men. It is an inhibitor of phosphodiesterase enzyme accomplishment which results in more blood flow into the penis during sexual motivation Sildenafil is the active ingredient which allows proper flow of blood in a specific part of the body due to which a man gets a proper & prolonged penile erection.  It is also commended to patient suffering pulmonary arterial hypertension and the benign prostatic hyperplasia as the medicine relaxes the smooth muscles and increases the blood supply.

As Cenforce 120 mg belong to PDE-5 inhibitors it is dissolved in the body, the stiff muscles slowly lose up, which allows a proper space for the blood vessels to reach the relaxed position. When blood vessel relaxes, the blood inflow enhances, and blood pressure gets adjusted to the normal condition. The same thing also takes place in the penile section, which permits a decent amount of blood flow for the erection.


Dosage of Cenforce 120mg:

Cenforce 120 mg tablet taken once time in a day.
Cenforce 120 tablet must be taken15 to 30 minute before sexual intercourse and tablet should be taken orally with a glass of water.
The Cenforce 120 mg tablet may be taken before or after food. Sildenafil citrate tablet will take more time to function if you have fatty food or alcohol.

Side effects of Cenforce 120mg:

Usually there are no side effects of Cenforce 120mg. But some of the common known side effects are as follows:

Bladder Pain
Burning Feeling in The Chest or Stomach
Abnormal Vision
Bleeding of The Eye
Blurred Vision
Urinary tract infections
Sensitivity to light
Vision disturbances
Muscle aches



Store the Cenforce 120mg pill at area temperature in dark, clean and dry place.

Precautions of Cenforce 120mg:

Before taking Cenforce 120 drug, one must inform a healthcare provider of all medical history, current medical circumstances and all medications being taken to determine if Cenforce is safe to take. It may aggravate some medicinal situation thereby requiring dose adjustment. This medicine might not be safe to take for some medical condition which will make it contraindicated. It may also cause adverse reply if it interacts with other medicines. Cenforce 120 mg should not be taken if you have any sensitive Sildenafil Citrate to any ingredient of this medication. This medicine should be used with caution in you have a condition of the heart and blood vessels. Don't take it more than once a day.

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